
Friday, October 10, 2014

My son figures out gender equality

Today mother's of daughters are having a tough time, raising their princesses to face the world like warriors and feel equal in the gender war. While mother's of sons, who have been warrior princesses (or feminist, as popularly described) all their life, now have a new task in hand. How to nurture a man who thinks that, the warrior princesses are normal human being and he doesn't question equality of sexes in any stage of life. I consciously teach my son about gender equality, giving examples how men and women are achievers in all walks of life, be it in sports, be it in science, be it in the kitchen. So how to figure out if you are doing the right thing and not over doing it. It shouldn't be so that my little man starts feeling confused in the upcoming world of equality. I am walking on a slippery thin rope here.

But recently,an incident  made me smile. My son, Ayan after being 5.5yrs old came across the Home Alone DVD series. He watched them all and repeated it few more times. To have some respite from little kids fighting the world of thugs, I hid the DVDs and pretended to look for them once in a while. One day,  Ayan came back with a question. When will Home Alone 5 come to the theaters. I told him, I didn't hear about it and don't know if they are making such a movie. He thought for a while and said, " Mom I think this time it will be a girl, she will be the kid who gets to stay home alone and fight the bad guys"

I was so proud, so happy at his innocence and his thought.So somewhere in my subtle feminist oriented rambling, there was a life long lesson embedded.....that I hope stays with him forever.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Lets put the child in a box- really?

Again another article, trying to find if the child is gifted, autistic, ADHD prone, out of sync. desperate to get the right label and paste it on her head. Every child is unique in their own way . Just because life is easier and organised if we can put them in boxes does'nt mean we have to. Teachers are keen to jump on a psychological disorder as soon as the kid is bit off . Instead of finding what he or she is good out, the whole world now wants to know what he/she cant do. He cant sit in one place, he pushes others, he hits without provocation, she cant pay attention, she is depressed. STOP!!!

Please find out what he or she wants to do and what the kid is good at. This may change from time to time. So keep looking for the spark and set them free, No labels, no Boxes