
Friday, February 14, 2014

Advices can I not pass some too

I love to cook, but only for fun, maybe some weekends. I dread to be in the kitchen every other day. I use very easy lazy mom techniques to go by. My baking skills are nearly zero. Many failures later, I made two banana cakes in my 38 yr lifespan.

Lets see, how to put it...
I was in Jakarta when my son was born. I had a fleet of nanny and maid to do everything...but I somehow anticipated that someday maybe I have to do things on my own and my subconscious self guided me to nurture my kid to become a zero-nonsense kid. I maybe taking credit for that but it can also be I was blessed by God. The almighty spared me much agony by gifting me a good natured kid.

Put few basic tips that may be useful for moms to be :

1. You are always the boss. Maybe your kid has come along and become the center of your universe, but he/she doesn't need to know that. ever!!! So the control is always in your hand.

2. Don't give into likes and dislikes of kids. Give them everything to eat, so they dont realize choice exists.

3. No freshly squeezed juice, whole fruits, first mashed then cut..spare yourself the time. You can use it for a nice coffee break or long shower

4. Zero preservatives, and Breast milk as long as you can. Use a pump, so that others can feed when you can have some sleep or do some shopping. The zero preservative and BM will help them grow immunity, atleast thats what everyone says. Less health issues in the long run and you will have spared yourself medical costs and sound sleep

6. Kids dont really miss you ...they are happy to be in a caregivers company as long they are good people. Let them be with others early on for few hours and you will never regret the decision

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